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The Heinrich-von-Buz-Realschule Augsburg II is a secondary school that provides a sound and comprehensive general education and lays important foundations for training in professions with increased technical, economic, ecological and social responsibility in industry, crafts, commerce and administration as well as in social and creative fields.
External link: Heinrich-von-Buz Secondary School

PLANT-MY-TREE® carries out reforestation as a company, which includes projects for initial reforestation, forest conversion and forest protection on mainly own areas in Germany.
Climate change is on everyone's lips. Forest dieback, rising temperatures, melting glaciers dominate the headlines. That's why we need to stop climate change - and fast. After avoiding CO² and reducing CO² emissions, reforestation projects in Germany's forests are a sustainable way to take action locally.
Do your part for climate protection: With a tree donation on we can protect the environment and the climate together.
External link: PLANT-MY-TREE®

After some fields of competence of the Hamburg company Dr. Weigert GmbH & Co. KG, which deals with cleaning and disinfection in professional application areas, perfectly complement the services of the Gesa Hygiene Group in its core competencies of canteen kitchen hygiene, pest control and supply and exhaust air, a wonderful idea arose: a joint cooperation creates an absolute win-win effect for our customers. Experienced experts advise you on professional industrial hygiene and develop tailor-made solutions. Uncomplicated and professional!
External Link:

Chemische Fabrik Dr. Weigert is a leading medium-sized company in the development of professional system solutions for machine cleaning and disinfection in professional kitchens, in laboratory and medical technology as well as in the pharmaceutical, cosmetics and food industries!
External Link:

Hygiene-Institut AYSID GmbH was founded in 1993 from the Humboldt University of Berlin Institute for Applied and Hospital Hygiene and has developed into an internationally recognised testing institute for clean room applications in medicine, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, medical product manufacturing, precision engineering and microelectronics.
Comprehensive know-how and practical experience from over 20 years of testing activity make Hygiene-Institut AYSID GmbH a proven partner and consultant for all relevant planning and testing tasks in general and special ventilation technology.
Hygiene-Institut AYSID GmbH has been operating a DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 accredited test laboratory since 2014. Hygiene-Institut AYSID GmbH is a member of the German Society for Hospital Hygiene (Deutschen Gesellschaft für Krankenhaushygiene e.V. - DGKH).
Hygiene-Institut AYSID GmbH drafts reports for any hygiene-related task and supports our customers with the planning, set up and acceptance of their clean rooms.
External Link:

The German Association for Air and Water Hygiene (Deutsche Fachverband für Luft- und Wasserhygiene e.V. - DFLW) headquartered in Berlin was founded in 2002 and is run by volunteers in all of its offices.
The association has more than 70 members whose committees help support the association's aims. The comprehensive know-how and network of members make it possible for the DFLW to examine relevant issues in the drinking water and indoor air sectors from a wide variety of perspectives and enable it to get involved in relevant committees and associations. Being authentic and reasoning objectively are paramount to its members.
External Link:

In its history dating back over 40 years, the German Association for Buildings and Indoor Air Quality (Fachverband Gebäude-Klima e.V. - FGK) has developed into the leading industry association within the German air conditioning and ventilation industry. Within this role, the FGK represents the interests of its members in respect of market partners, policy, the industry, standardisation bodies and science. Through intensive political communication, the association influences regulatory provisions and standards from the relevant area of technical building services. The approx. 300 FGK members employ some 49,000 staff and realise a turnover of around 7.1 billion euros per year.
External Link:

As a modern infrastructure facility management company, Liebenau Service GmbH's (LiSe's) offer includes services in the areas of building services, catering and textile services and LiSeplus organisational consulting and training. The company, founded in 1999, is a one hundred percent subsidiary of the Liebenau Foundation and currently employs around 480 able-bodied and disabled staff. LiSe also has a recognised workshop (WfbM - the German umbrella organisation for sheltered workshops) for the disabled as defined by the German Social Code (Sozialgesetzbuch). Trained employees work here alongside people with disabilities.
External Link: Stiftung Liebenau

The Hygiene Network is an amalgamation of companies from the hygiene sector. The Hygiene Network provides you with hygiene services, hygiene training courses, hygiene certifications and hygiene products throughout Germany. From temperature measurement and cleaning inspections, pest control and mobile hygiene to water-soluble food labels and water-soluble laundry bags, all this can be found in the Hygiene Network online shop.
External Link:

Varioclean Lüftungsanlagen GmbH is a traditional ventilation fitter and innovative hygiene service provider for HVAC systems – and has been since 1995.
The company provides experience and know-how in the area of domestic ventilation and the ventilation of clean rooms and operating theatres. Varioclean is exploring new ways of using more innovative and more economical techniques. The company therefore develops advanced, on-demand solutions for our customers for cleaning and decontaminating HVAC systems.
Varioclean Lüftungsanlagen GmbH performs hygiene inspections in HVAC systems and acceptance measurements in clean rooms and operating theatres.
External Link:

Sales (incl. consulting and training for sales staff and end customers) of the Orion Clean Card® PRO hygiene rapid test. In 30 seconds, this abrasive test for company self-testing provides information about the cleaning status and indicates uncompromisingly whether or not visibly clean surfaces are also hygienically clean. The protein screening not only detects protein residues, it also provides information about cleaning agent and disinfectant residues that have not been properly rinsed away. The test is already widely used in the food manufacturing and processing industries. amfora sells other food safety products in its online shop.

Designs, manufactures and sells products and systems for pest control and potato sprout control. Frowein's 808 biocides are highly effective products while being contemporary and environmentally-friendly. They are the preferred choice of professional pest controllers used in food companies, warehouses, commercial kitchens, catering firms and public and private premises of all types. Professional users can find all the products they need to meet the stringent pest control requirements here: insecticides, rodenticides, monitoring systems and application equipment.

Hygiene Plus - The online shop for hygiene professionals
Hygiene Plus is an expert partner providing professional hygiene products and services.

Hygiene consultation and certification with the Hygiene Smiley - the expert in HACCP and company hygiene matters.